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speech and debate team members pose with handfuls of trophies


The 说话的熊猫, SBU's nationally acclaimed forensics team, has a long history of excellence in competitions as 这个团队 fulfills the motto of Pi Kappa Delta, the national collegiate speech and debate honor society: "The art of persuasion beautiful 就."


  • 12 Pi Kappa Delta National Championships: 1975, 1985, 1987, 1989, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2003, 2007, 2008
  • More than 25 Missouri Association of Forensics 活动 State Championships
  • More than 40 years of active membership in and service to Pi Kappa Delta, which is one of the oldest, largest and most prestigious intercollegiate speech and debate 组织
  • 自1969年以来,无数的团队抽奖锦标赛奖项
  • 无数个人奖项
  • Hundreds of successful forensics alumni around the globe who influence the world each 天在各种各样的职业


首先,我们认为自己是一家人. 我们真诚地关心我们的团队成员 desire that they learn to be successful in both forensics and in life. 第二,我们 保持全面的关注. 虽然大多数课程都教学生专攻 in only a few events, we want our students to pursue excellence in a wide variety 演讲和辩论事件. 我们这样做是因为它能提高学习能力 place as a result of participation in intercollegiate forensics. 第三,我们提供我们的 students a great deal of attention in the form of both collective and one-on-one coaching. We don't see our students as cogs in a competitive machine, but as unique individuals 我们可以帮助他们发挥天赋的潜能. 第四,虽然我们努力竞争 and to win we never lose sight of the fact that forensics is first and foremost an 教育活动.

法医学竞赛为学生提供了许多好处. 其中一些更为重要 好处是:

  • 磨练你的研究技能 - Participating in speech and debate competitions will improve your research skills so that you can explore complex topics and be able to discuss an issue in much greater detail than someone who has only a casual familiarity with major sociopolitical issues. This will make you stand out from the crowd in both your written work and your ability 机智地谈论各种话题.
  • 成为一个更好的作家 - Multitudes of surveys reveal that employers are consistently looking for prospective employees who exhibit excellent written and oral communication skills. 在取证 you will write and rewrite (with the help of your coaches) speeches with the objective of crafting a message that is timely, relevant and ultimately persuasive to a variety 的观众.
  • 成为一个更好的表演者 - While the term "performance" is often thought of as being reserved only for venues like the theatre and the music concert hall, the reality is that much of our professional 生活包括表现. 我们每次参加面试都要表演 或者试着向别人表达我们的想法. 在法医学中,你将学习如何执行 both speeches you have written and literature written by others in such a way as to 让它在观众面前生动起来.
  • 做一个见多识广的公民 - Citizenship in contemporary life demands that participants be not only well-informed, 但关键的信息消费者. 演讲和辩论将使你理解 a host of various issues confronting contemporary society in such a way that you can not only participate in debate and discussion about these issues, but you can be a leader in society and an ethical advocate for causes you believe in.
  • 玩得开心 - Few things in life are more enjoyable than working hard with a group of coaches and teammates in order to achieve excellence in an activity. 我们项目的校友 consistently develop close friendships that last a lifetime. 花了几个小时去竞争, traveling and having fun together builds a type of special camaraderie not unlike 高水平的运动队.
绝对. If you work hard and manage your time well in the manner your coaches prescribe, you will be able to be a successful forensics competitor, excel in your 在大学里,学习和社交生活都很活跃. 多年来我们的节目 has produced hundreds of successful competitors who have managed to balance a host 其他活动和取证. 鉴证科会让你很忙,但不会占用你的时间 你的一生,我们不允许.

We are a nationally competitive program which means that we travel across the county 面对精英中的精英. 我们参加的大多数比赛都在一天之内 drive from southwest Missouri, but we generally take at least one or two trips a year 包括航空旅行. Recently, 这个团队 has traveled to tournaments in California, Louisiana, Minnesota, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Ohio, and Oregon, to name a few.

We generally attend between four and five tournaments a semester. 我们有很多节目 compete against at the national level travel more frequently than we do (between eight 一学期十场比赛). 在SBU,我们尽可能多地旅行,但总是保持 our sensitivity to the time constraints and academic demands of our students.

In the late summer of each year we get 这个团队 together in Bolivar for a team retreat. This is a time for us to practice, work on events, prepare for the coming year, and 通过一起玩乐来了解彼此. 我们一般会在几个下午休息 during our team retreats to explore some local points of interest in the 斯普林菲尔德-Branson 市区. When time, schedules, and budgets permit, we will spend the day before 或者在一次遥远的旅行之后去当游客. 我们也聚在一起 野餐,节日聚会,以及其他可以参加的活动. 每年也会有一次 花一个下午的时间做一个团队社区服务项目.


Team membership is available to any undergraduate student in good academic standing 平均绩点保持在3分以上.0. 对在校生来说最简单的加入方式 us is by simply "walking on"— showing up to our weekly meetings which happen on Monday 星期三下午4:30-5:45.m.

Students who are new to SBU, either incoming freshman or transfer students from other colleges or universities, should apply for a performance scholarship and try out for 这个团队. Try out dates vary, but we generally have one in the fall and one in the 春天. 我们会通知你有关选拔赛的日期. 我们开始设立奖学金 offers for the following year in December, so we do encourage applicants to apply 早期.

